

News, culture & fun stuff

Super Bowl Ad Survey: Would YOU buy a beer from a puppy?

The Super Bowl has always been a main event for advertisers and consumers. Sometimes there’s a love match, sometimes there’s not. This year we surveyed a group of consumers to understand what people really thought of the ads. While some recognize that other things happen during this time (apparently a sport is

Design Thinking — Step 3: Extraordinary design

This is the third, in a three-part series on the “how” of Design Thinking. In the second of this three-part series, Strategy informed us we need bridge. A bridge so beautiful it will make you weep. So let's get started. Picture a large bridge spanning a body of water. Go ahead. Close

Design Thinking — Step 2: Extraordinary strategy

This is the second, in a three-part series on the “how” of Design Thinking. In the first of this three-part series about Design Thinking, Tim Smith talked about Discovery and how Skidmore digs under every rock, heads outside to talk to customers and walks a mile in our client’s shoes

Design Thinking – Step 1: Discovery

This is the first, in a three-part series on the "how" of Design Thinking. This blog began as a question posed during a recent studio planning meeting: "Should we give away our secret sauce?" The idea on the table was to go deeper into Skidmore's Design Thinking process and share

Design Thinking – Good for business & Detroit

More quantifiable proof: Good Design is Good for Business. A recent study reported in Fast Company proves that companies that embrace Design Thinking outperform those that don’t by a whopping 228 percent.1 You read that right – 228 percent. The analysis, completed by the Design Management Institute, looked at companies

Hey, Cadillac – You've got it wrong

Two events happened in Detroit this week that exemplified the mindsets which exist within two of Detroit’s very different worlds – the sports world and the business world. The first was an announcement by GM that the Cadillac brand is moving to New York. The second was when one of

Merry band of creatives

This month Skidmore unveiled the MerryMen Project, a new program that promotes a philosophy of designing for good. The goal of this effort is to support Detroit-based non-profits and small businesses by providing pro bono strategy and design services. While Skidmore has provided pro bono services to the non-profit community